Going for labiaplasty can bring many benefits, provided it is performed correctly. This is why many patients come to Spa Noor in the Boston area for a labiaplasty procedure. But whether you are considering this procedure for cosmetic or health reasons, it is important to be certain that you are the right candidate for it.
What is Labiaplasty?
Labiaplasty is a procedure that involves the shortening of the labia. Normal labia should measure one inch from base to tip. Of course, “normal” is relative when it comes to labia size. However, size can be a problem when it becomes a cause of insecurity or discomfort around your vaginal area, especially when exercising or having sex.
Is Labiaplasty Right for You?
Ideally, you would be a good candidate for this procedure if your labia is causing you any kind of discomfort. Some women shy away from sex or the locker room altogether because of the embarrassment and insecurity they feel as a result of an enlarged labia. Some women, on the other hand, do not worry much about the appearance of their labia; however, they feel tired (and rightfully so) of the pain and discomfort that comes with activities like exercise, sex, and sitting for extended hours.
Deciding whether or not you are a good candidate for labiaplasty depends on a number of factors such as your age, confidence and discomfort levels, and the overall health of your vagina. This procedure is not recommended for patients younger than a certain age, except in cases where the patient has significant irregularities in her vaginal area.
Where to Get Labiaplasty
Labiaplasty is an outpatient surgery that has a very high success rate, especially when performed by professionals like the ones at Spa Noor. You don’t have to feel uncomfortable or embarrassed about any part of your body. We are committed to ensuring that you live your best possible life, and for some women, this starts with labiaplasty.
Most patients seek out this procedure for cosmetic purposes, though there are several other reasons why a woman may want to undergo this procedure. At Spa Noor, we want you to feel most comfortable and confident, and we strive to create an environment that you can trust to take care of you. To learn more, contact us today and book a consultation at our office in Fall River.