Do you often look in the mirror and wish that you could make your double chin disappear? This is something that individuals who have been struggling with a double chin often do. They understand that their double chin is detracting from their appearance. It causes them to look older than they really are, and it causes them to look heavy, even if they are at a healthy weight. If you would like to make your double chin disappear, we invite you to learn about the benefits that come from Kybella®.
If you are unfamiliar with Kybella®, the first thing that you should know is that it is a product that is gently injected into the fat under the chin. It uses a substance that the body produces in order to break down dietary fat. When it is injected under the chin, it starts breaking down the fat in that specific area. Over the weeks that follow your initial treatment session, you are going to notice that your double chin starts to go away.
The very first step that you will need to take in order to have Kybella® treatment is to contact us and schedule a consultation. This is a medical treatment that is designed to help individuals to get rid of their double chin. A consultation with our team will be the best way to develop a treatment plan to help ensure that you are able to achieve and maintain the results you desire.
This is a non-surgical, minimally invasive treatment performed as an outpatient procedure in the comfort of our office. There are typically very few restrictions as to what you can do after a Kybella® treatment. You should be able to get back to all normal activities right away.
To learn more about Kybella®, contact us today at Spa Noor and schedule your consultation at our office in Fall River, Massachusetts.