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XEOMIN vs. BOTOX in Fall River

Mature woman with brown hair smiling

BOTOX® is by far the most popular non-surgical cosmetic procedure performed in Fall River and elsewhere. BOTOX® is so popular that its name is synonymous with cosmetic procedures. For a while, BOTOX® was the only product of its kind on the market. Now, other products have been developed that are designed to produce similar results. One of these products is XEOMIN®.

XEOMIN® received FDA approval and has been used to treat things like crow’s feet on people around the world. Some people have wondered if one product is better than the other.

XEOMIN® and BOTOX® have some differences in the way that the products are manufactured. The result is that XEOMIN® is a more purified form of the product. This is one of the primary differences between the two. As a result of this purification, XEOMIN® does not have a preservative protein.

This is important because since BOTOX® does have the preservative protein, after being injected, the molecule has to break free from the preservative protein before it’s able to affect a person’s facial muscles. After BOTOX® adheres to the facial muscles, the muscle relaxes, and this, in turn, leads to wrinkle reduction. Conversely, XEOMIN® is able to immediately attach itself to the muscle receptors in the patient. This means that people are going to see quicker results and more steady results with XEOMIN® as opposed to BOTOX®.

Both of these products have received FDA approval. Both have been shown to be safe and to have little to no side effects when administered properly by a trained professional in Fall River. Both BOTOX® and XEOMIN® produce natural-looking results. They are designed to make a person look younger, more refreshed, and less wrinkled. Both products produce temporary results and will need to be injected again at our office in Fall River after multiple months.

The best way to determine the right treatment for you is to talk to our cosmetic professionals at Spa Noor in Fall River. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and get started on the journey to a younger-looking you!

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