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Rejuvenate Your Skin in the Winter Using a Chemical Peel

Woman with brown hair in a bun smiling and gently stroking her chin with the backs of her fingers

Winter in Massachusetts is known for cold weather conditions, and it’s also hard on your skin. The frigid air can cause your skin to become dry, and this can make you look older than your real age. To eliminate dry skin and reveal your true beauty, consider getting a chemical peel at Spa Noor.

The reason why Winter is hard on your skin is because the cold air doesn’t have a lot of moisture in it. Due to the harsh conditions, Winter is notorious for causing eczema and rosacea breakouts. Since it delivers plenty of hydration and exfoliates the skin, a chemical peel is ideal for combating these unwanted skin conditions.

How Does a Chemical Peel Work?

The main purpose of a chemical peel is to accelerate skin turnover, but it’s also good at speeding up pigment reduction, which results in healthier skin and delivers a uniform complexion.

Chemicals peels are great for removing dead skin cells and diminishing the appearance of freckles, dark spots, small scars and fine lines. Many of these skin imperfections are caused by hormones and aging.

By gently removing a layer of dead skin cells, a chemical peel brings fresh cells to the surface of your skin. When the treatment is finished, you should have brighter, tighter skin, and your pores should look much smaller.

Are There Any Benefits?

Chemical peels are great for improving skin color and reducing the appearance of wrinkles, and they can improve the texture, clarity and color of your skin. By stimulating the production of new cells, this treatment can give your skin a radiant glow.

Some common skin problems that can be improved with a chemical peel are pigmentation, discoloration and melasma. It’s also a popular treatment for scarring and other skin

The specific type of peel that is used for your skin will determine the downtime, but in most cases, the downtime is minimal. The ingredients used in the peel will depend on your needs.

Why Get a Peel During Winter?

Winter is a great time to get a chemical peel because you don’t have to worry about constant exposure to UV light, which can be a problem during Summer. The lack of ultraviolet light makes Winter an ideal environment for this treatment, and Winter is always a great time to fight back against many unwanted skin conditions.

If you’d like to give your skin significant improvements before Summer, then consider getting a chemical peel at Spa Noor in Fall River. When UV levels are high, it takes your skin much longer to heal, and by getting a chemical peel during Winter, you can combat excessive dryness and common skin conditions. These peels increase the amount of moisture in your skin and reveal a fresh, healthy layer of cells.

During a consultation at Spa Noor, you can learn about the different types of peels we offer and discover which one may be right for you. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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