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Kybella for Discreet Double Chin Reduction

Mature woman with blonde hair pulled back sitting on her couch and smiling

Kybella® is an innovative injectable that can safely eradicate your double chin in a very short period of time. In addition to being highly effective, this popular treatment is also minimally-invasive. Patients don’t have to worry about going through an uncomfortable recovery that forces them to stay in bed for weeks. Any side effects are incredibly mild, and most patients notice distinct improvements after their round of treatments. With the proper aftercare, those amazing results can often be preserved for years.

Will Losing Weight Work?

Being overweight is a major risk factor for a double chin, but there are many other variables to consider. When you are younger, your body produces a wide variety of proteins that keep your skin firm and elastic. As time goes on and your skin becomes damaged, those proteins will slowly begin to disappear. That is one of the reasons why many older adults struggle with the area around the face and neck. Your genetics play a role as well, and you might end up with a double chin even if you stay at a healthy weight your entire life. Those are a few of the reasons why so many people have turned to professional treatments such as Kybella®.

The Power of Kybella®

Kybella® was first approved by the FDA in 2015, and it was specifically designed to melt away submental fat just below the chin. The active ingredient inside each injection is a compound known as deoxycholic acid, and that particular type of acid is naturally found in your intestines. When you eat fatty foods, the deoxycholic acid breaks down the nutrients so that they can be metabolized. After years of research, doctors were able to come up with a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid that can be used to spot treat fatty tissue.

When Kybella® is injected into the area, it quickly breaks down the nearby fat cells. As soon as those fat cells have been weakened, the body will attack them. Over the course of the following months, the damaged cells are expelled through the lymphatic system. During that time, your double chin is going to shrink before your eyes as your body continues to metabolize the fat.

Your Treatment Plan

In order to create world-class results, we personalize all of our Kybella® treatments. When you visit Spa Noor, we are going to discuss your cosmetic goals and take a closer look at your submental fat. We can then help you come up with a treatment plan for erasing your double chin. Contact us today to book your appointment in Fall River. We look forward to hearing from you!

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