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Improve Skin Texture with BBL Forever Young

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If you would like to improve your skin texture, you should check with our specialist at Spa Noor about the use of BBL Forever Young. This is a non-invasive treatment method that can be used to effectively improve a number of skin conditions. It uses high-intensity light at various wavelengths to bring about the desired improvements in skin texture and tone.

BBL Forever Young is the most versatile broadband light system in its class, allowing medical professionals to treat a wide range of procedures with a single unit. It utilizes dual lamp technology, and each lamp provides half the energy needed for the treatment.

One of the most common things for which people seek treatments of this nature is the appearance of lines and wrinkles. These things develop as the skin gets looser over time. It is the reduction in the amount of collagen present that causes the looseness. Collagen is a protein that is found in the lower layers of the skin. Its purpose is to keep the skin full and tight. As the body ages, it loses some of its ability to produce collagen. Therefore, less of the substance is contained in the skin. This causes it to get loose and develop wrinkles. Non-surgical treatment options typically target the layers of the skin that contain the collagen in order to stimulate additional growth of the substance.

BBL Forever Young therapy uses the high-energy light to provide heat to the sections of the skin that contain collagen. The heat will stimulate it to produce more of the substance. As the collagen increases, the skin will become tighter. This will by nature eliminate many of those unwanted wrinkles and tighten the skin so that it no longer sags.

Dark spots on the skin can also be treated with these treatments. These spots are caused by the buildup of melanin in small patches. Melanin is what gives pigment to the skin, and its level increases in response to exposure to the sun. Over time, the increased level will become permanent, but it will not be evenly spread throughout the skin. Instead, it will concentrate in spots and be visible through those unwanted sun spots. The light energy from the therapy can be set to target the melanin and cause it to break up. This results in a more even skin tone.

You might also benefit from this treatment method if you have a vascular problem that is leading to the appearance of spider veins or rosacea. The treatment helps by focusing the energy onto the problem vessels. The heat will make them disappear in a similar fashion as laser therapy, but without the level of discomfort that lasers can cause.

Acne is another common skin condition, and it is not limited to people in their teens. Adults can struggle with it as well. If you have a case of acne that does not respond to any solution you have purchased from the store, you should have it evaluated by our specialist. This will give you the chance to get it under control before it reaches the point of causing permanent scarring.

To learn more about how BBL Forever Young can improve the texture and tone of your skin, make an appointment at Spa Noor in Fall River. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation!

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