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Getting Kybella Injections for a Double Chin

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Having a double chin can be embarrassing; it can detract from the overall appearance of the face and lower your self-esteem. The worst part may be the fact that it is in an area of the body that is most difficult to lose fat in. Fortunately, Kybella® injections at Spa Noor in Fall River, MA can help. Kybella® injections involve an elective procedure that is FDA-approved to help fight double chins and restore the natural shape of the face.

What are Kybella® Injections?

Kybella® is a branded form of deoxycholic acid, a type of molecule that that body uses to help break down fat cells. When it is injected directly into the fatty tissue, it helps to accelerate the fat-burning process and eliminate excessive tissue deposits.

People often get a series of treatments. Once the treatments are complete, the results are permanent. Those fat cells have been destroyed and shed by the body. With the proper diet and exercise, patients can keep their double chins away.

Unfortunately, all of our bodies have tendencies to gather fat in specific areas, and some people will naturally gather fat under the chin no matter what they do. To make matters worse, it’s a notoriously difficult area to exercise, so it is possible that over time, a double chin can occur.

The good news is that Kybella® is a simple and easy treatment. The fact that our bodies naturally produce deoxycholic acid means that there is little chance of users having any sort of adverse reaction to the treatments.

Are Kybella® Injections Right for Me?

Kybella® is designed specifically to help people that have been unable to get rid of their double chins through diet and exercise. It should not be done for individuals who are majorly overweight.

One of the advantages that Kybella® injections have over liposuction is that Kybella® patients should generally be able to return to their normal schedule later that day. Of course, with that being said, not everyone is a candidate for Kybella® injections.

If you believe that you’re a candidate for Kybella®, then contact us today at Spa Noor in Fall River, MA and book an appointment to learn more about this popular treatment!

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