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Eliminate Your Double Chin with Kybella Injections in Fall River

Young woman with long brown hair smiling outdoors

Many people feel extremely self-conscious about their double chin. They spend quite a bit of their time working to hide their double chin. This is especially the case when photographs are taken. If you are dealing with a double chin and it makes you feel self-conscious, you know exactly how fidgety you get right before a photograph is taken. You do all you can to pull up your scarf, cover your neck with your hands, or hide behind others so that all that is seen of you is just your face. You don’t have to live like that anymore. You can eliminate your double chin with Kybella® injections at our office in Fall River.

One of the difficult things about dealing with a double chin is that you can do almost nothing on your own to get rid of it. You can work hard to lose weight, but there is no guarantee that you will lose the fat under your chin. Actually, you have very little control of where you lose fat. So if you are overweight and then you start to diet and exercise, you may retain the fat under your chin, but lose a lot of belly fat or fat on your thighs. Other individuals may start to lose fat in their face, neck, and in other places, but then struggle to get rid of that belly fat. Even when a person does exercises that target specific areas, they are really only building the muscles in that area, not burning the fat.

Kybella® is a medication that is directly injected into the area under the chin. Its purpose is to destroy the fat cells in this specific area. At this time, it is not designed to treat other pockets of fat on the body.

The great thing about using Kybella® injections in Fall River is that once you have received treatment and you have results that you are satisfied with, the fat is never going to return. Of course, you will have to live a healthy lifestyle and maintain your weight in order to continue to have a slim appearance. However, the fat that was destroyed with the Kybella® injections is gone for good.

Who are the best candidates for Kybella®? First, you have to be in good overall health. If you are in good health, your body is more likely to react well to the Kybella® injections. Second, you have to have submental fullness. Basically, this means that your double chin consists of fat.

Most people in Fall River who are interested in Kybella® injections qualify for the treatment. During a consultation at Spa Noor, you can find out for sure if you are a candidate for Kybella®. Contact us today to schedule an appointment at our office in Fall River!

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