When you spend a lot of time outdoors, you enjoy many benefits. You likely get a lot of exercise, you see beautiful scenes in nature, and you enjoy outdoor activities. You also get a lot of vitamin D. The downside of spending a lot of time outdoors is that you may get too much sun and may spend a lot of time squinting your eyes if you do not wear sunglasses. This leads to sun damage and crow’s feet. You can eliminate crow’s feet with BOTOX®. Let’s discuss how.
What are crow’s feet? This is a term that is used to describe the horizontal lines that people start to get as they get older at the corners of their eyes. They are the result of smiling and squinting. When you are in your younger years and your skin is full of healthy substances, like collagen and elastin, you can smile and squint all you want and you will not have wrinkles left at the corners of your eyes. However, as your skin changes because of the aging process and as you make these expressive motions thousands and thousands of times throughout your life, pretty soon those folds start to become deeper lines and wrinkles.
BOTOX® is great for eliminating crow’s feet. How does it eliminate crow’s feet? It does this because it stops the muscles from contracting in the same way that they used to before treatment. The muscles are able to relax. This means that the skin around the outer corners of your eyes is able to relax as well. So your skin is going to look a lot smoother and a lot softer. The lines and wrinkles are going to fade away.
BOTOX® not only treats crow’s feet, but it also treats other expressive wrinkles that you have on your face. Take a second and look in the mirror. It is likely that in addition to the crow’s feet that you have, you have expressive wrinkles on your forehead and between your eyebrows. BOTOX® can address these wrinkles as well.
If you would like to eliminate your crow’s feet and other expressive wrinkles, we invite you to set up a consultation at Spa Noor in Fall River. We will help you to determine if BOTOX® is the right option for you. Contact us today to book an appointment!