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Dos and Don’ts When Getting BOTOX in Boston

Mature woman wearing a fancy blue hat standing in front of big leaves

When you look into the mirror and notice your face isn’t what it used to be, you may wonder what to do. BOTOX® in Boston is a great way to reduce the signs of aging that happen to everyone. BOTOX® works by inserting an injectable into preselected facial muscles. The solution ultimately relaxes these facial muscles. The treatment is safe and simple; however, there are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind.

Don’t Use Just Any Provider

Ads that offer discounted BOTOX® can be tempting. However, you should be leery of treatments that sound too cheap as well as injection parties. Usually, unqualified providers who offer cheap injections do not evaluate you. So, it is best to get the treatment done right by a qualified provider.

Do Be Realistic

BOTOX® can improve your appearance, but it is not some magic wand that will make you look 20 again. If you think like that, you may not be pleased with the results. Furthermore, it only treats wrinkles caused by facial expressions, such as laughing or squinting, not aging caused by the sun or sagging skin.

Discuss your expectations with the provider, who should go into detail and provide before and after pictures when you ask for them. Compose a list of questions for your first meeting, and never be afraid to ask anything.

Don’t Smoke or Drink Alcohol

Smoking isn’t good for your skin regardless of if you get BOTOX® in Boston or not. You will more likely develop age spots than a non-smoker, which will negate the results. Smoking depletes the skin of essential nutrients and oxygen needed to heal.

Likewise, stop drinking alcohol, which causes the blood to thin and increases unnecessary risks. You will be advised to stop these habits before the treatment to maximize results.

Do Make Certain You Qualify

Not everyone will qualify for BOTOX® injections. If you are pregnant, nursing, or have a neuromuscular condition, you won’t be a good candidate. The best candidates for these treatments are in good overall health and have realistic expectations regarding the treatment and the results.

BOTOX® in Boston is a great way to regain your youthful look without surgery. To get more information, reach out to Spa Noor for a consultation at our office in Fall River. Contact us today to book your appointment and get started. We look forward to hearing from you!

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