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Body Contouring in Fall River

Man's toned chest and abdomen

Body contouring is becoming more and more popular in Fall River and elsewhere because it is a great way to eliminate fat without the need for invasive surgery and unwanted side effects. Although procedures like traditional liposuction can produce great results, a lot of people don’t want to go through the hassle of invasive surgery. As such, they opt for body contouring procedures like SculpSure® in order to address that pesky fat that hasn’t responded to diet and exercise.

What Do the Procedures Involve?

Body contouring procedures typically use some form of energy in order to accomplish their goals. SculpSure® uses laser energy in order to heat certain tissue. In the time following the treatment, the body will naturally get rid of the unwanted fat through natural processes. You will gradually start to notice the treated area becoming thinner.

Who is a Good Candidate for Body Contouring?

The ideal candidate for body contouring will be an adult with realistic expectations and good overall health. They should have stabilized at or near their ideal weight, for weight gain or weight loss can impair the effects of the procedure. Good candidates also understand that body contouring procedures are not the same as weight loss surgery. They can help you after weight loss, but they aren’t designed to help a patient lose weight. They are designed for people who are at or very close to their goal weight, but are dealing with stubborn fat in certain trouble areas like the midsection.

What are the Benefits of Body Contouring in Fall River?

Since body contouring procedures like SculpSure® are entirely non-surgical, they require virtually no downtime. As such, the procedures are extremely convenient for people with busy schedules and lifestyles. You can simply come to our office, receive the treatment, and then be on your way. It really is that simple. Of course, sticking to a healthy diet and exercise routine will help you to maintain the results.

During a consultation at Spa Noor in Fall River, you can learn more about body contouring, including whether or not you can experience the benefits of these procedures for yourself. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation and get started on your journey to a better figure!

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