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Benefits of Plasma Rich Protein Injections

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Plenty of research on the effectiveness of plasma rich protein injections has been conducted in the last few years. As a matter of fact, the injections have been used to promote cell regeneration since the year 1987. The treatment makes use of the patient’s blood’s natural healing properties to help with the issue at hand. The plasma used in the injections is derived from the patient’s blood. At Spa Noor, we use plasma rich protein injections on our patients to improve the look and feel of the skin. Here are just a few of the benefits of the injections that you should know about before making a decision.

The Process is Natural

Plasma rich protein injections can help patients who haven’t had much success with other treatments for skin rejuvenation. For example, some people are allergic to certain chemicals or don’t qualify for other, more invasive procedures. The power of plasma rich protein injections lies in the patient’s own blood, making it a natural treatment option.

It Can Address Various Areas

Did you know that plasma rich protein injections can be helpful in treating skin issues on the face, neck, and chest? Here at Spa Noor, we can use this treatment to restore volume to all of these areas.

A Simple, Non-Surgical Treatment

This treatment is entirely non-surgical. During the appointment, blood is drawn from the patient and then placed in a centrifuge in order to create the plasma rich protein. From there, the substance can be used wherever it is needed in conjunction with our innovative MD Pen Micro Skin Needling procedure. The treatment is known to be straightforward and convenient, even for those with busy schedules.

If you are considering plasma rich protein injections for skin rejuvenation, get in touch with the experts at Spa Noor in Fall River. We are always ready to answer any questions you might have regarding our treatments. Contact us today to book your consultation!

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