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Vein Removal in Fall River, MA

Spider veins and broken capillaries on the face and legs bother millions of people. Vein removal is now easier than ever, and there are a number of options available to you, such as sclerotherapy.

At Spa Noor, we offer two proven vein treatment options:

  • Sclerotherapy, which injects a sclerosant, or special solution, into the targeted veins, causing them to collapse and gradually fade from view.
  • BBL™, a non-invasive intense pulsed light (IPL) treatment that destroys targeted veins with intense light without breaking the skin.

FAQs: Vein Removal in Fall River, MA at Spa Noor

What is sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy is a medical procedure used to eliminate varicose veins and spider veins. It involves an injection of solution, or sclerosant, directly into the vein. Here at Spa Noor, we provide the highest standard of sclerotherapy treatments using Asclera®, an FDA-approved product for the treatment of unwanted leg veins. We find that Asclera produces better results, which in turn means fewer treatments for you!

Is sclerotherapy painful?

Sclerotherapy involves a series of injections in your targeted veins, which can cause a stinging sensation. Asclera contains a numbing agent, which helps minimize discomfort throughout your treatment.

When can I see results with sclerotherapy?

The solution irritates the lining of the blood vessel, causing it to collapse in the hours and days following your treatment. Over time, the targeted vessels collapse and fade away.

What is BBL treatment for veins?

BBL stands for broadband light, an advanced form of intense pulsed light (IPL) treatment. A BBL photofacial disables targeted veins with intense light, causing veins to collapse and gradually fade away. Since BBL doesn’t break the skin, you should experience little to no downtime following your treatment.

How many vein treatments will I need?

A series of vein treatments can help you achieve your goals. We will help you determine your exact treatment regimen, based on your unique needs, during your personal consultation.

How can I get started with vein treatment in Fall River, MA at Spa Noor?

Call us at 508-679-3711 or complete our consultation request form today.

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