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BBL Photofacial in Fall River, MA

Look as young as you feel!

Are ready for brighter, more evenly toned and younger-looking skin with minimal to no downtime? It’s time to treat your skin to one of the most powerful and effective anti-aging skin treatments on the market: BBL™ photofacial.

BBL photofacial stands for broadband light. It’s the most powerful photofacial available, stimulating skin with intense pulsed light (IPL) to improve a wide range of complexion concerns, from pigmentation irregularities to sun damage and aging!

BBL photofacial helps improve:

  • Rosacea
  • Acne discoloration
  • Redness
  • Age spots, sunspots, brown spots
  • Rosacea
  • Small veins/broken capillaries/spider veins
  • Fine lines and wrinkles

BBL photofacial is a clinically proven anti-aging treatment!
BBL is also clinically proven to improve the overall youthfulness of your skin! An independent study done by Dr. Patrick J. Bitter of Stanford University showed people treated with the BBL photofacial over a period of years appeared to look, on average, 11 years younger than their actual age. On a cellular level, the skin of these routine BBL users “acted” like younger skin cells, indicating that BBL treatments, administered over the long term, can help keep skin looking and acting younger!

Now you can MAKE TIME STAND STILL with no downtime! This procedure can be done on any body area.

FAQs: BBL Photofacial in Fall River, MA at Spa Noor

What happens during a BBL photofacial treatment?

Please come to your appointment with clean skin, free from makeup, sunscreen or other skin care products. We will first apply a gel to your face, which works to absorb the BBL energy into your skin. As you lay back, we will administer your photofacial, carefully targeting every area of treatment with intense pulses of light energy. We typically perform multiple passes, particularly on your areas of concern, to ensure you receive the highest possible benefits.

Is a BBL photofacial painful?

BBL photofacials are well-tolerated. As the light hits your skin, it should feel like a rubber band is snapping against it. This feeling lasts only as long as the light is hitting your skin, and it varies in intensity, depending on the intensity of your treatment. If you are receiving a high level of energy, which is indicated for certain skin concerns like redness and rosacea, we may use a topical numbing cream on your treatment areas prior to your session to ensure your comfort. However, most photofacials do not require a numbing cream.

When will I see results with my photofacial?

Intense pulsed light (IPL) photofacials provide both immediate and gradual improvements to skin. If you are correcting brown spots, for example, these brown spots will first darken before sloughing off in the weeks following your treatment. If you are correcting redness, your areas of concern may turn darker before gradually fading away. Also worth keeping in mind is that photofacials stimulate new collagen and elastin, which means you’ll continue noticing complexion improvements long after your treatment.

Can I improve my acne with a photofacial?

Yes! Photofacials are highly effective for drying up blemishes and reducing redness and inflammation. BBL photofacials are ideal for correcting multiple conditions including
pigmented lesions, freckles, age spots, fine lines and wrinkles, vascular lesions, spider veins and rosacea. If you’re looking to improve your skin’s tone and health, it’s hard to beat the complexion benefits of a photofacial!

How many photofacials do I need?

Your best results can be achieved with a series of at least three photofacial treatments, administered four to six weeks apart. We will help you devise a photofacial regimen during your personal consultation that works with your unique complexion goals.

How can I get started with a BBL photofacial in Fall River, MA at Spa Noor?

Call us at 508-679-3711 or complete our consultation request form today.

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