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A double chin is something that can plague a person for their entire life, and it isn’t necessarily their fault. Double chins don’t always happen because of a weight issue. A person can be perfectly fit, but they have a double chin because of their genes, or sometimes they are born with a predisposition to a double chin, or they can be born with a reduced chin line, which exacerbates the fat in the neck.

Fortunately, there is a solution to the double chin. Spa Noor is proud to offer FDA-approved Kybella®, which is specifically made to combat a double chin and increase your confidence.

Kybella submental fat reduction treatment helps:

    ● Reduce excess chin fat
    ● Discover a slimmer, trimmer and more youthful profile
    ● Reduce the appearance of a double chin without surgery

FAQs: Kybella at Spa Noor

What is Kybella?
Kybella is a dermal injection that is placed directly in the chin. In order to get the best results, multiple injections will be given in each session. It will be up to you and Spa Noor’s medical team to determine how many injections will be given at one time.

Does Kybella work?
Kybella works by using what is already being made within your body. By being nearly identical to a fat absorbing enzyme called deoxycholic acid, it targets and destroys the fat cells located in the chin. It’s a great alternative to more invasive treatments such as surgery or liposuction.

How many Kybella treatments are needed?
Your Kybella regimen will depend on your unique needs. We recommend multiple sessions to get the best results, but these generally boil down to one treatment a month for four to six months. Our medical team will work with you to determine your full schedule.

When will I see results?
Results with Kybella appear gradually, after a series of treatments. You should start noticing improvements in the weeks following your treatments, with optimal results appearing in the month following your last treatment.

Is Kybella a safe treatment?
The number one thing to know about Kybella’s safety is that it is FDA-approved. Its main ingredient, deoxycholic acid, is derived from a natural ingredient in your body’s immune system. However, you can expect to see some small side effects such as bruising and swelling around the injection sites as well as some temporary numbness.

Who should get Kybella?
Kybella is good for any healthy adult who is tired of being embarrassed about their profile. It doesn’t matter if you’re in your mid-50s or your early 20s, Kybella can get rid of your double chin. If you’re currently taking any medications that affect blood pressure or the blood’s ability to clot, please inform a member of our medical team during your initial consultation. You may need to refrain from taking these medications in the weeks leading up to your appointment as well as in the immediate days after your appointment.

Getting started with Kybella in Fall River, MA:
Don’t let your double chin keep you down any longer. Call us at (508) 679-3711 or request a consultation online to learn more about Kybella and get started today.

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