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Can SculpSure Really Get Rid of a Double Chin?

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Maybe you’ve had it all your life, or perhaps that extra little bit of fullness under your chin developed in the last couple of years. You’d love to get rid of it, but diet, exercise, and even those chin stretches your neighbor told you about haven’t made a difference. Fortunately, a treatment available here at Spa Noor in Fall River, MA can get rid of a double chin with no surgery and no downtime.

SculpSure is a laser-based treatment that has been used to eliminate small amounts of unwanted fat in the abdomen, flanks, back, and thighs. But this body contouring system also recently won FDA approval for use on submental fat, or the type of fat that develops beneath the chin. There’s even a special SculpSure applicator that can deliver precise treatment in the tight contours of the chin and neck.

What Is SculpSure?

SculpSure relies on a natural process called lipolysis, which is when the body breaks fat molecules down into smaller components that are then easily and naturally disposed of by the body. Using an external applicator, this treatment system directs heat from laser energy deep beneath the skin, warming up tissues in a way that artificially triggers lipolysis and breaks down fat cells.

Over the month to six weeks after treatment, those disrupted fat cells are naturally flushed away. Clinical tests have found that just a single SculpSure treatment can reduce fat in the area of concern by 24%.

Can This Treatment Really Get Rid of a Double Chin?

SculpSure is designed to improve or tweak small areas of fat, making it a perfect option for treating a double chin. And with the help of a special under-chin applicator, the SculpSure system can direct laser heat exactly where it needs to go to tackle submental fat.

SculpSure not only gets rid of a double chin, but it can also improve the appearance of loose skin in that area, ensuring that patients get results they’ll love.

What Should I Expect During Treatment?

SculpSure treatments are completely non-invasive and nothing to worry about. We’ll begin by taking some measurements so that we can track your progress. We may also make a few marks on your skin that we’ll use as reference points while administering your treatment. Once the applicator goes to work you’ll feel chilliness and then a tingling warmth under your chin. The treatment is comfortable, and you’ll be reclined during the appointment.

Most treatments only take 25 minutes and can easily fit into a lunch hour. Because there is no anesthesia and no downtime associated with these appointments, patients are able to get right back to their schedules, including exercise.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

The number of treatments needed depends on how much of a fat reduction the patient is trying to accomplish. Some patients find that a single treatment is enough to get the chin profile they want. For other patients, we may recommend several sessions. After evaluating your chin area and talking with you about your goals, we’ll develop a custom treatment plan that meets your needs.

How Soon Will I See Results?

Because this treatment system relies on the body to go through the process of naturally disposing of the fat cells, it often takes close to six weeks for patients to see their first results, and 12 weeks for their full results to set in.

Is This Chin Treatment Permanent?

SculpSure permanently destroys fat cells, and once those fat cells are gone, they’re gone for good. That means that once you’ve achieved the results you want with this treatment, you won’t have to keep returning for maintenance sessions.

Going forward, the best way to keep your chin area in great shape will be to adhere to healthy lifestyle habits, including regular exercise and a careful diet. Keeping the skin in the chin area healthy with a good at-home skincare regimen is also a good idea.

About Submental Fat

Lots of patients struggle with submental fullness. Some find the condition to be a mild annoyance, while others are extremely self-conscious about it. The good news is that while submental fullness can be cosmetically frustrating, it usually is not a cause for medical concern.

What Causes a Double Chin?

It’s often assumed that under-chin fullness is caused by weight gain, and sometimes that’s the case. But many perfectly healthy, fit patients struggle with full chins. That’s because age, poor posture, and genetics are all contributing factors.

Double chins sometimes run in families, which means that if your grandmother and mother have submental fullness, you’re probably prone to developing it as well. Poor posture can also lead to muscle weakness in the chin and neck, contributing to the appearance of submental fullness.

Are There Other Treatments That Can Help?

In addition to SculpSure, our practice is pleased to offer Kybella, an injectable treatment that destroys fat cells in the under-chin area. This injectable contains synthetic deoxycholic acid, a substance that occurs naturally in the body and helps break down fat. Kybella also subtly tightens the skin under the chin.

Each Kybella treatment lasts 15 or 20 minutes, and we sometimes recommend that patients undergo several treatments, each scheduled at least a month apart. We can help you determine what chin treatment will be most effective.

Am I a Candidate for SculpSure?

If you’re interested in finding out if SculpSure can help tone down your chin area, the best way to start is by scheduling a consultation at our practice. During this session, we’ll review your medical history, evaluate your chin, talk with you about your cosmetic goals and concerns, and work with you to determine if this treatment is the best option. There are a couple of signs that you may be an ideal candidate:

You Want to Improve Your Profile

This treatment won’t help you shed a significant amount of weight or completely transform your body, but it can effectively tone down that little bit of extra volume under your chin, giving you a more youthful, defined profile.

In the tight, contoured under-chin area, getting rid of even just a little fat can make a big difference in your appearance. The feathering of the heat involved in SculpSure also ensures that the treatment area is targeted and the effect on any surrounding areas is minimized.

You Have True Submental Fullness

Sometimes patients who look in the mirror and see a double chin actually have loose skin under the chin, which can contribute to the appearance of submental fullness.

SculpSure can tighten loose skin, but it primarily targets and destroys small deposits of unwanted fat. As part of your consultation, we can determine if submental fullness, or loose skin, is your primary problem.

Your Chin Is Holding You Back

When it comes to submental fullness, every patient has a different perspective. Some don’t care about it at all. Others are annoyed by it, but not enough to seek treatment. Still others are deeply bothered by it. If your chin is starting to take a toll on your self-image and you find yourself hiding behind turtlenecks and scarves, it may be time to seek treatment.

You Want a Convenient Option

Up until the last decade or so, patients who had extra fullness in the chin or a small amount of unwanted fat elsewhere in the body had few non-surgical options if diet and exercise weren’t doing the trick.

Liposuction and plastic surgery were sometimes turned to, but not every patient is able to commit to the downtime associated with those more invasive treatment options. One of the big advantages of SculpSure is that treatments are convenient, hassle-free, and involve no downtime.

You Understand the Treatment

Most patients are thrilled with the improvement they see in their chin after undergoing this treatment. But it’s important to remember that the results of this approach to treatment are more subtle than surgery. The best patients understand both the benefits and the expected results of this non-invasive treatment.

You’re in Good Health

The non-invasive nature of this treatment means that it is widely accessible and patients don’t have to meet very many medical requirements. But the best candidates are still in good overall health and are not pregnant. If you have any underlying medical conditions, be sure to mention them during your initial consultation.

You Can Be Patient

Because it can take time for SculpSure results to fully develop, the best patients have both time and patience. If you’re looking for a fast-fix before next week’s college region, this treatment won’t be able to work as quickly as you need it to. But if you’re looking for a treatment that will work over a period of weeks to give you the sleek profile you’ve been trying to achieve, SculpSure is a perfect choice.

Many patients actually appreciate the gradual onset of their results because the improvement in their chin is natural, and they never look as if they’ve “had work done.”

Answering Your Questions About SculpSure

Are There Any Weight Limits?

FDA has cleared SculpSure chin treatments for individuals with a body mass index of up to 49.

Does This Treatment Work for Both Men and Women?

Submental fullness is an issue for both men and women, and this treatment works effectively for both genders. It also works on all skin types and tones.

Can I Combine This Treatment With Other Cosmetic Services?

Patients often incorporate SculpSure and other services into a comprehensive treatment plan. Botulinum toxin injections and dermal fillers are two popular companion treatments. During your consultation, we’ll talk with you about your overall concerns and goals and develop a custom treatment package for you.

Can I Use SculpSure to Address Other Areas of Concern?

Yes. In fact, it’s not uncommon for patients to turn to SculpSure for help in resolving submental fullness and then return for treatment on the thighs, the abdomen, or some other part of the body.

This treatment system is ideal for patients who are at or near their goal weight but need a little help pushing past a problem spot or two. SculpSure helps patients get rid of the curves they don’t want while keeping the ones they love.

Put Your Best Face Forward

If you’re bothered by fullness under the chin and eager to improve your profile, SculpSure could be the perfect solution. Treatments are easy and convenient, and this body contouring system will permanently get rid of your double chin. Call Spa Noor in Fall River MA today and schedule a SculpSure consultation!

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