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Acne Care


Acne is an inflammatory condition of the oil-producing sebaceous glands that affects both teenagers and adult men and women. Some of the more common causes of flare-ups include hormonal changes as those experienced during puberty, pregnancy and a woman’s menstrual cycle, as well as environmental irritants and reactions to skin care products. Hormones and other factors stimulate excess production of an oil which clogs the skin’s pores. Once clogged, pores can become infected with bacteria, resulting in pimples and inflammation.

There are different levels of acne ranging from mild comedonal (blackheads and whiteheads) to moderate, pustular, on to severe cystic acne. In many cases, several or all of these levels of acne can be present on an individual simultaneously.

At Spa Noor in Fall River, MA, we offer many proven solutions for treating active acne, reducing the appearance of acne scarring and preventing future breakouts, including:

    ● Photodynamic Levulan® Treatment with Omnilux LED
    ● VI Peel
    ● Microdermabrasion
    ● Chemical peels
    ● BBL® (Broadband Light)
    ● Omnilux blue light therapy

FAQs: Acne Treatments at Spa Noor

Does Photodynamic Levulan Treatment with Omnilux LED help treat acne?
PDT (photodynamic therapy) is a new advancement in facial rejuvenation. It is performed by applying a topical photo sensitizer called Levulan aminolevulinic acid-ALA to skin. It is left on for 30 minutes to two hours. The skin is then exposed to a light source to activate the Levulan. It then produces molecules of oxygen which destroy the bacteria in the target area leaving the surrounding tissue unharmed. ALA is a natural substance found through the body.

Should I get the Photodynamic Levulan Treatment?
You are a candidate for PDT if you have actinic keratosis, diffuse acne, severe oily skin, moderate to severe sun damage and textural irregularities or wrinkles. Two to four treatments may be required depending on the condition being treated. It is imperative to avoid sun exposure for the first 48 hours.

Does the VI Peel help treat acne?
The VI Peel can improve the tone, texture and clarity of the skin; reduce or eliminate age spots, freckles and hyperpigmentation, including melasma; soften lines and wrinkles; clear acne skin conditions; reduce or eliminate acne scars; and stimulate the production of collagen, for firmer, more youthful skin. The VI Peel is safe for any skin type or tone. The VI Peel also comes with home care products and Oxygenetix healing makeup and moisturizer to match your skin tone.

Does microdermabrasion help treat acne?
If your facial skin has suffered scarring due to nodules, cysts or other severe forms of acne, microdermabrasion removes the skin’s top layer of dead cells and smoothes scarred tissue. Microdermabrasion smoothes the surface of the skin, removes very fine lines, stimulates collagen production and reduces skin imperfections. Microdermabrasion promotes new skin cell production in the deepest layer of the skin as it clears dull and congested skin. By cleaning the skin and removing the dead skin cells’ top layer, it clears out the blocked pores. Our machine works on the same principle as a vacuum cleaner – gently removing congestion and cleaning the pores. Pimples are most often caused by dead skin cells that clog the skin’s pores. When you eliminate the dead skin cells the chance of having breakouts is greatly decreased.

Do chemical peels help treat acne?
When acne becomes severe, a medical-grade chemical peel can bring skin back under control. Peels remove skin’s damaged outer layers to improve and smooth its texture. Superficial acne manifests itself as clogged pores (blackheads and whiteheads), inflamed pimples (pustules) and deeper lumps (nodules). The acidic solution of a chemical peel acts on the outermost skin layers – causing them to disintegrate and reveal the underlying, newer, unaffected skin.

Does BBL (Broadband Light) help treat acne?
BBL is a light wave similar to a laser that actually kills the Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) bacteria that is responsible for acne breakouts. P. acnes live on our skin, and when the pores become blocked with oil and dead cells, the bacteria thrive. It causes inflammation and pustules or pimples. By destroying the bacteria with BBL, you are treating one part of the problem. The second is to keep the pores open and free of debris. This is where our medical-grade skin care products and chemical peels contribute to your success of keeping your skin clear and acne free. A series of BBL treatments are recommended for optimal results.

Does Omnilux blue light therapy help treat acne?
Omnilux blue light therapy is a comfortable, painless treatment which uses blue light to kill the P. acnes bacteria. This light-based procedure is designed to decrease inflammation, oil production and pore size for those with mild to moderate acne. A series of eight treatments is recommended with customized home care products to help you obtain the skin you desire.

Getting started with acne treatments in Fall River, MA:
You deserve clear, confident skin! Call us at (508) 679-3711 or request a consultation online to learn more about our acne care treatments and get started today.

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